First of all, do not get it wrong. “Transaction email” here does not refer to only financial transactions. Quoting from MailChimp blog post: …think of it as “anything that isn’t bulk“. Basically, it is email sent to an individual based on some action. In my own words related to e-commerce, transaction emails are all notification… Continue reading
Posts in "E-Commerce"
Which E-Commerce Platform Is Right for Your Business?

So you are ready to sell your products online. You understand about managing e-commerce business in general and comes the big question: which platform should you choose? If you browse through the web, you can easily find dozens of solid e-commerce/shopping cart platforms to choose. If you look to the forums for a suggestion, you… Continue reading
Multiple Currency in Google Analytics using Traditional Syntax
Last month Google finally announced multiple currency in Google Analytics for e-commerce sites. A long waited feature so the news was a really big deal. More information about it can be found here. To apply it, you only need to add one simple line on your GA code before the call to _trackTrans: _gaq.push([‘_set’, ‘currencyCode’,… Continue reading
Put That Unsubscribe Link on Your Email Campaigns Despite the Law

The Internet is growing and changing industries so fast, some countries are still trying to keep up and have not been able to establish necessary regulations to control its influence related to privacy and commercial activities. No, I am not talking about Internet censorship (which I am totally against btw). I am referring to one… Continue reading